• Question: What Are you researching

    Asked by kie100992 to Daniel on 14 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Daniel Richardson

      Daniel Richardson answered on 14 Jun 2010:

      In short, I look at how you think, act and speak in a social context. It used to be the case that when psychologists studied language or decision making or memory, they put people in empty lab rooms by themselves and gave them simple tasks to do. My lab puts people in richer social contexts where there are other people around, or shows them clips from TV programs. We then measure exactly where people are looking, or how they are moving their bodies to a millimetre degree using all sorts of infrared tracking devices. With careful experimental design, this tells us how they are processing information. We’ve discovered things about how people move when they lie, what they are thinking about when watching east enders, where they look when someone is being racist, and many other things.
