• Question: what have you found out about the illnesses you are trying to cure???

    Asked by jbworldxx to Sharon on 23 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Sharon Sneddon

      Sharon Sneddon answered on 23 Jun 2010:

      I’ve found out quite a lot really, I’ve discovered that cancer is an incredibly difficult disease to cure, as it comes in many forms, and is able to fight back against lots of drugs. This was quite depressing at first, because it’s going to take much longer than I would like to find a cure for all cancers.

      I’ve also found out that there are several genes that are essential for the implantation (attachment) of embryos into the mothers womb, and this was really exciting as it will help people who lose their babies, very early in pregnancy. I think the most important thing I have found out though, is that there is a LOT more to be found out!!
